Advance Your Real-Life Network.
Benefit from our network IoNet.
Be well-connected.
IoNet connects professionals and businesses. It is not a social media platform - our goal is to help you find the person or information you need. Feel free to stay connected to close contacts or create a worldwide network.
Leap your network into the era of digitalization and be well-connected. Don't miss anything around your personal network, expand your connections via Artificial Intelligence, and take part in clubs & events.
IoNet connects professionals and businesses. It is not a social media platform, our goal is to help you find a person or information you are looking for within your network. Feel free to keep connected to close contacts or create a worldwide network.
Leap your network into the era of digitalization and be well-connected. Don't miss anything around your personal network, expand your connections via Artificial Intelligence, and take part in clubs & events.
IoNet is designed to create an overview and be well-connected with your own personal network. Invite your network and potential new partners to further amplify the benefits of IoNet. Different from other online platforms, IoNet focuses on privacy and professionalism. We do not offer a stage for public attention.
IoNet exlusively invites professionals, who invite their valuable connections. We intend to keep the standard at a high level.
Do not hesitate to modernize your network and be well-connected. Arrive in the future of professional networking.
Free for the first six months
Time to familliarize yourself with IoNet and to grow your personal network
Extended free months
Benefit twice from inviting new IoNet members 1. Enhance your personal network and don't miss anything 2. For every new IoNet member who joins via your invitation link, you get one additional free month (for up to three years free membership in total)
Be an IoNet member
Low membership fee per year
Send me an email when IoNet goes online.
Do I have to enter my credit card information to create an account?
No. You will not be asked to enter any card information to create an account. When your free months end, you can decide whether you want to further use IoNet or deactivate your account.
Am I obligated to pay the yearly membership fee after the free months?
No. You will be informed early enough, so that you can decide whether you want to continue using IoNet. To use it after the free trial, you will need to pay the yearly fee. In case you do not complete the payment, your account will be deactivated.
Can I create a business or a club account?
You can create a separate page for your business, company or club. This page is attached to you and if applicable to the other administrators.
Connected vs Confirmed - What is the difference on IoNet?
Connections are private, whereas confirmations are a public signal to others.
'Connected' means that you are connected as friends/partners on IoNet. You have a better overview of your connections on the map and in your list. Messages with your connections have a separate place. You can also share posts only with your contacts if you want to maintain your privacy. Connections are always both-sided.
'Confirmed' means that Person X confirms Person Y's integrity. It does not mean that those two are connected. Confirmations function as a signal when searching for new potential connections.
Who sees my personal connections?
Only you see your personal network. Other IoNet members can only see who confirmed you at some point, but they do not see whether you had been or still are connected with that respective person.
Do not waste time finding the person or information you are looking for.

Have your connections in one place and keep an overview.
Use IoNet.